Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Change Is A Good Thing

Good morning!  

Yesterday was a run day and I know at some point I should making my runs more specific.  You know easy run, speed work, etc, but I just like to run.  While I was at the gym yesterday morning I knew I was going to shoot for a 10 in front of my pace, even if it was 10:59 average pace.  It took a lot of restraint to keep from jumping up and down when I looked at my stats and saw this: 

Happy Dance!  That is a good pace for me and I was really excited to see I could average a number like that.  It was the boost I needed to show me that speed work WILL get me where I want to be.  

After I got home it was time to get ready for our day ahead, we had story time at the library, lunch with Daddy and some errands to run.  If we are going to get dressed and be out we might as well make the most of it!  Since we don't have an entertainment system in our rental the girls have been falling asleep while we are out and about.  So I do what any normal mother would do and get myself an iced coffee, hang out on Pinterest and take pictures.  

Yesterday was a good day for a few reasons, but FINALLY finding the only Starbucks drive-thru in Michigan was the biggest highlight.  They have Starbucks here, don't get me wrong, but this girl needs the drive thru if she is going to get one.  I can't justify unbuckling both girls, tromping through the cold and then having to re-buckle both girls for a coffee.  Iced Coffee no sweetener light cream made for a happy girl yesterday, that and the napping cuties behind me.  Sarah can breath I promise!       

Sunday was our Sesame Street Live day and the girls had so much fun!  The Grouch is Jesse's favorite charactor, Sarah seemed pretty excited to see him too.  As you can see all Katherine wanted to do was push that glowing button, don't worry she got her chance.  

This morning I decided to take a run rest day and will do my CLX Abs instead of my Burn 3.  I also wasn't able to go to the Barre class because they totally changed up their schedule on me, so I'll go this weekend.  See, write everything in pencil because it will change, it is the only thing certain.  

Also this Saturday February 9th is the 2nd Annual Virtual Run for Sherry.  This race is put on by her cousin and fellow blogger at Shut Up + Run.  I wish I had some pals to run it with but I'll be doing it on the treadmill Saturday morning, but I am grateful I can do that.  My Father in law and both of my Brother in laws work in Sidney MT and Williston ND.  I remember when Sherry first went missing and my heart sank, along with every other runner out there I am sure.  I know how tight those small communities are and what an impact her death had on their lives.  I'll run Saturday in memory of Sherry and hope our nation can get a grip on the senseless acts of violence seen everyday on our women and children.  

Let me know if you plan on running in the virtual run for Sherry!       

Anyone else find they have to change up their workout/running schedule during the week?

Do you have a lot of drive thru coffee places where you live? 
- Oregon is coffee headquarters, I didn't realize how spoiled I was! 

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