Thursday, December 6, 2012

Keep'n It Real!

Good morning! 

So I started a blog because I have always really enjoyed reading blogs, especially since becoming a runner (love saying that).  I like to see how other runners do their training and reading about their experiences.  My favorite blogs are the ones that keep it real and honest about their expectations for themselves.  Honestly my favorite blogs to read, minus Skinny Runner, are mother runners.  I feel like unless your a mom you can't fully understand the challenges you face as a mother and a runner.  I love MsFitRunner because she keeps her days with her kids so honest and she is pretty funny about their quirks.  Plus she is a huge inspiration, she is fast and so motivated and can accomplish so much with her 3 little kids at home.  What is my point with all of this, I don't really have a point I just want to explain to myself that we all can't expect to keep up with the running Jones'.  Since the Portland Marathon I have taken it easy with my runs and since the time change I have had a difficult time getting up at 5:30 to head out for my run.  Not ashamed to say that I am afraid of the dark and even with my headlamp I just don't feel comfortable out there in the pitch black.  What that means is that right now my runs are now happening while the girls are at preschool on Tuesday and Thursday, Saturdays and my treadmill.  Since I don't have the reason to get up at 5:30 I haven't been getting up and that is frustrating.  In order to be strong enough to reach my marathon goals next year I need to make cross training a priority too.  Add in Christmas obligations on top of being a mom to really busy 3 year old girls and wife to a workaholic husband I've been feeling just a tad overwhelmed.  

I know running helps me with all of these feelings but I haven't been making it a priority for the last couple of weeks and hence the circle goes round and round.  Plus I had half a bag of baked lays last night...ya that was super helpful.  I've been trying to slow things down but that is much easier said than done especially this time of year.  I decided it was time to dust this book off and read through it again, it did a lot for me a couple years ago when I first bought it.  

I don't have a ton of books in actual copy anymore because I buy them mostly through my Kindle, which I love.  I am really glad I have this book in non-Kindle form, it is a pretty book to begin with and its more of a life manual which should be out for constant reference.  I think we should all have life manuals given to us at high school graduation along with the diploma.  

I am going to shoot for 45 minutes on my treadmill this morning before we head off to Preschool, Costco, etc etc etc.  We'll see how many miles that ends up being today!  

Also tomorrow is the First Friday Holiday Run in Old Town Sherwood!  We are meeting at Sympsium at 4:45 and heading out for the run at 5:00.  I hope to see home of you there, its going to be a great fun and easy run and afterwards you can check out all there is to see at First Friday.  Wine tasting...need I say more?  


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