Sunday, November 4, 2012

How to Help Hurricane Sandy Relief

Whoa, what a week.  

I got sick the night of Halloween, praying for death kind of sick.  It was so bad I haven't been sick like that since before I got married, I didn't get sick like that when I was pregnant with the girls.  Are you getting the idea?  It was bad.  I am on the tail end of it but still consisting on the BRAT diet, mostly.  

Its frustrating to be sick when you literally work to be healthy.  I think its going around Sherwood though and it just makes me so ready to go and get my flu shot.  I use to never get flu shots but the flu is not what it use to be and I feel like its now a needed vaccination for my family.  That is my personal opinion, I am a supporter of vaccinations and my family gets vaccinated, including Lucy!  

I am so behind on everything!  My house is a tornado with laundry spilling out of it seams and all of the ongoing projects at a stand still.  All I want to do is go out for a run but that isn't a good idea.  I am pass the death stage but my stomach isn't right yet and don't feel comfortable being more than 10 steps from the bathroom.  Hopefully tomorrow!  

Until then I'll share some pictures from Halloween before the plague hit our household.  

Daddy was out of town the beginning of the week and since Sandy hit hard his flight was delayed getting home.  He didn't end up getting home till late afternoon Halloween and I decided we would just paint our pumpkins.  I have zero patience for pumpkin carving, mine always turn out stupid to be honest with you.  Artistic ability is not something I was blessed with so we painted our pumpkins, it was fun!  

When Daddy got home it was time to Trick or Treat!  We hit our favorite houses/people in the neighborhood and then headed home to hand out our candy!  Besides catching the plague Halloween was a blast, the girls loved every minute of it.  

If you are looking for some ways to help out the victims of Hurricane Sandy there are so many organizations out there you can donate money or supplies.  

Red Cross is a great and trustworthy organization 

Skinny Runner is donating 100% of any SR shirt purchases to Hurricane Relief 

SR also shared that there is a virtual race you can sign up for and pledge a donation to Hurricane Sandy Relief.  Go here to check out more about it, but its something I'll be doing for sure.  Here are the specs: 

1.  Run a race of ANY distance in the month of November.  
2.  Register for the virtual race for Hurricane Sandy HERE 
3.  Pledge your donation (They ask a minimum of 10$) HERE.  All proceeds go to the Red Cross.
4.  Tell all of your friends, everyone!  Invite them to join us!  
5.  Run your race and share how you did, pictures would be even better!  

For all the information again go HERE  

  I live a blessed life with my healthy family and warm home to come home to everyday.  I don't have to worry about my girl's next meal or keeping them warm tonight and there are mothers right as this very moment worrying about those things and it breaks my heart into a million pieces.  Its easy to feel helpless but there are ways to help, please find a way.  These are our people, they need us.  


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