Happy Friday! It was another whirlwind week and somehow we have gotten to Friday already (again). Last night I went to Road Runner's Girl's Night Out in Tualatin and wasn't really sure what to expect. Luckily they knew how to hook a girl up with some good stuff.
There wasn't a huge turn out but they had some great vendors, like a rep from Brooks who was really informative for this Mizuno loving girl. I tried on a pair of the Brooks Pure Cadence in purple and I really liked them. I am going to check into them again after the marathon. They also had a couple local running clubs for women one of which started just a few weeks ago by Olympian Amy Begley!
Ya she autographed that for me, whatever, no big deal (ya right, I was so excited!). Since I was trying to be cool and collected I didn't notice until this morning or maybe it just didn't register but I love that she wrote "Set Goals!". Seriously that is like my mantra lately and I LOVE that she put it on her picture for me, pretty cool. Amy started a running group called Distance Divas which she defines as "A social group for women runners of all ages and abilities." You should really check it out, just click HERE!
Another fun running group that was there was Runner Chicks Training Club who was offering a great deal on an upcoming race in Yamhill County wine county. Its the Run Now, Wine Later @ Solena Estate and I am pretty excited for it. Registration includes a Girlfriend Run/Walk through the vineyard, breakfast following, wine tasting and a special speaker Sarah Bowen Shea who is the co-author of Run Like A Mother. Since Sarah is going to be there sharing lots of wisdom with us I am going to get her book to read before the run, which is Sunday October 28th. I have plenty of time if I ignore my kids to finish it before the end of October, ya sure why not?! I've actually wanted to read it for a while so this should give me the push.
While there wasn't a huge turn out last night it was still a lot of fun. I love being around fellow runners of all abilities I feel like I am learning so much from them. I've been running almost a full year and I like being part of the "runners club." Speaking of which tomorrow morning is my first Saturday morning in a LONG time that I am not doing a long training run, ah! Tomorrow morning is the Color Run (finally) so Katie and I will be there getting our color on! I do need to get an 8 miler in this weekend but I'll bust that out on Sunday. Going with Coach Jim's advice and not push it during the taper weeks.
Have you read Run Like A Mother?
If you haven't you should set the goal to have it read by October 28th and then we can chat about it!
What are your running plans this weekend? Any races?
Look for me tomorrow at the Color Run if you'll be there, I'll be the one covered in color :)
I love that book, I actually did a review on it for them in return for a free copy. I call it my Running Bible. :) Glad to have found your blog over at SR. Have a fab weekend. :)Jessica
I am ready to break into tonight, I have heard so many great things about it. I'll check out your review too! Thanks for the follow :) You have a great weekend too!