Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fit Schmit

I hope you all are having a good weekend, I guess its almost over, unless your kid and then your on summer break WOOP WOOP!  We've had a busy weekend, Jess and I actually had a date night on Friday night.  We went to a comedy club and saw this guy from the FX show The League.

Then it was time for dinner #2 and a pirate drink from Salvador Molly's in our old neighborhood.  Jess got a Pain Killer which sounded gross, then it came and I wanted it so he had to trade with me.  I also ordered some Mac & Cheese pirate style.

It was around 10 Friday night when I was eating this and I am thinking to myself  "nah, I am not going to run tomorrow morning.  I am tired and its late and I don't want to."  I made the mistake of texting this thought to Katie who also had to run in the morning, she also didn't want to.  But she was going to, she had her stuff with her at work already (minus sports bra) and tired or not she was going to run.....uuuuugggggghhhhh whatever.  So I still had in my head I wasn't running, until I got home and realized how much I would regret that choice come 9AM Saturday morning when I would have already been done with the 9 miles and on my way home.  I begrudgingly  laid out my stuff, set my alarm for an extra half hour of sleep, 6:00 instead of 5:30, and woke up and went, grumpily I might add.  I honestly just didn't want to make the drive to downtown and have to run without my running buddy.  I was so annoyed to go until Katie texted me at 6:15 in all caps saying I better be up and heading out for my run, I was glad I could tell her yes I was!  Well glad might not be what I was thinking, maybe more like shove it ok?  She knows I love her.  Once I got there it was fine, it was nothing great and I had to stop at one point and walk I was just plain tired and not having someone to push me along made it very easy for me to stop.  I completed the 9 miles and am glad to be done with it, on to the next week!    

One thing did make me smile that morning, actually laugh like a maniac...

Not much could have gotten me to laugh yesterday morning, but this sure lifted my mood!  Annnnd this is why Katie is my children's God Mother.  

Who else ran this weekend?  Any races?  

Were you as grumpy a runner this weekend as me?  I doubt it...

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