Thursday, April 12, 2012


Getting out to do my 10 mile run is becoming more of a challenge than previously anticipated.  I don't know the area as well and I am frustrated by being out of my routine.  I had planned on getting out there today and just busting it out, but after 5 miles of pushing and pushing and pushing I finally gave in, grabbed my laptop out of the truck and came into the local coffee shop with wifi.  I don't know if its because I was to hot, dehydrated, sore, I don't know but I am irritated.  I want nothing more than to just hit that goal of 10 miles so I can get past it and move into my longer mileage.  Oh well, today wasn't the day.  I was mentally prepared and I know that 75% of my running is mental.

So that was my attempt at 10 miles...failure.  BOO!  I won't fail again, the next time I head out for my 10 miles I'll get it done.  I will get it done while I am here.  When I come home to Oregon I will be a 10 mile runner :) Bragging rights people, bragging rights.

Can I get any suggestions as to what I did wrong?

What I could have changed so that I was successful in my first 10 mile run?


  1. Relax. You are doing so great and have come so far! You're traveling, I'm guessing at a different altitude than Pdx, and you have plenty of time to get long miles in. Before you know it you'll be ping ponging between 16-20 mile runs every weekend! Every run, every day is different. Take notes if you want on sleep, food, stress, etc and see if you notice patterns. Us runners can be superstitious creatures of habit...getting to run in a new place is the best experience of all! Can't wait for our run next weekend! Oh, and I'm a tech rookie, so I don't know this profile thingy-sorry for being Anonymous! <3 Sharol

  2. Yes it's really hard when you don't know where to go and are in an unfamiliar area. But as long as you keep up with even smaller runs, you'll be fine. Stressing too much will only make your runs unsuccessful and frustrating. We run to escape stress, not create it. Enjoy it! You'll be back in your routine in no time :))


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