Good Morning!

Happy Friday to you non-parents out there! I hope it is a good one for you, for me it means I finally get to watch the season premier of the Walking Dead!!! Finally! Jess has been out of town all week and that means 2 things here: 1. I can't do my outdoor morning runs which make me a bitter shell of a person and 2. I can't watch any of my favorite shows. I have to wait for Jess to be home from his work trip before I can't legally watch any of our shows and since I can't tell a lie to save my life its been a pretty awful week. Tonight is the night!
There is still a lot to do until then, like at least 8 loads of laundry. My brother was here for the last couple nights so I could do his laundry to visit us. Since my laundry room was occupied for those 48 hours my laundry has piled up, then Jess got home at midnight last night with his suitcase filled with dirty clothes. Sweet.
Sarah isn't feeling to good today, low grade fever and basically just feeling blah. She gets props for being super cute though, I mean c'mon.
In actually running news I was able to do 7 miles yesterday while the girls were in preschool which was heaven. The sun was out and it was a perfect fall day. I was able to get some hills in too which made the run feel even more productive. By the way the day was going I didn't think I'd be able to do my Chalean but luckily was able to sneak that in before Jess got home. The weeks that Jess is gone it takes some extra finesse to get everything in, but luckily preschool saved the day this week!
When we travel or I should say when Jess goes on work trips he tries to get magnets from the cities that are new to him. This time both cities were places we've never been so we got two new magnets to add to our collection.
Philadelphia, PA
Yes that is a real cactus. It requires 1 tbls. of water once a month. This one technically doesn't count since he was just in the airport of Phoenix for a layover, but he gets points for creativity. Plus I was born in Phoenix so I am kind of the best souvenir from there don't you think?!
OK this post could contain 100 more random things I'll but let you go on with your the clothes aren't going to wash, dry, iron, fold and put themselves away. Seriously thank goodness for modern appliances.
Also don't forget about the 1st Halloween Hill Climb tomorrow morning in Sherwood!

It is going to be a lot of fun! And I'll be there on the course directing all you spooky runners!
Do you have any races planned for the weekend?
Are they Halloween themed?
Tell me about a fun tradition you have at your house! Do you have anything you collect?
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