Thursday, October 4, 2012

Be That Change

Good morning!  Taper week makes for a long week, add in the extra carbs you are suppose to consume and it makes for a bit of a sluggish week also.  Luckily there is Chalean to help out a little bit, but all runners know it isn't the same.  Still hard to wrap my brain around the fact that it is this weekend!  I am a lover of all things slideshow and think they are appropriate for all occasions so I made one for Katie.  Its about 5 minutes and just pictures of us, but hey if you wanna check it out I put it on here!  

Did anybody get a chance to check out the October Unprocessed?  Come Monday I am going to dig deep and see what I can cut out of my diet that is super processed and work on cutting it out for the remainder of October.  Off the top of my head I can think of my protein bars and shakes, etc.  Does anyone know of any protein shakes that aren't processed?  Is that possible?  Being a veggie and working on building my muscle I need the supplement but would be really interested in a better, much healthier version of a protein powder.  Would love any suggestions!  

Some stuff I think you should check out : 
Sweat Is My Sanity is doing a series called 31 Days of Motivation, very motivational!  Check it out here!
A great article on Eating Rules about small changes, a definite read!  Read it here!

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